I have neglected this blog, mainly so I don't scare family members. But you know what, it doesn't matter. They should be smart enough to figure things out for themselves. This was written in 2009, but I'm just now getting around to publishing it.
Religion is a topic many are shy to talk about. I'm most certainly not one of those people. Let me tell you a bit about my religious background. I was born to Christian parents, going to church only on occasion, but the fear of God was and is still with them. In my early teen years I often had conversations with this God people speak of. All it did was make me more frustrated. So I thought, hey maybe I'm praying to the wrong god. So I start researching different religions, I've purchased many books and read many online articles. My favorite at the time was Taoism, which some would say is not a religion. But lets get into that topic. Religion is held on grounds that faith alone is what makes it true. Now, faith is the belief in something without any proof. Having faith in someone is denying your gut instinct and taking their word for it. To me this is the biggest problem we as humans face. Trusting what others say, even though they seem far fetched, is very bad business. I pride myself in not taking anyone's word for it. I want to know for myself. Question everything, that's my motto. It has helped me understand more about everything. I feel accomplished as many things I have figured out myself. I one time, believed that there was no such thing as human nature. But I was wrong, it's just people describe it wrong and assume things are natural that are far from it. We have a will to survive, which has turned into a war against our own kind. Take our planet for example. Why are we split into Nations? Why are we not allowed to travel the world without other peoples consent? Why are we forced into work? Why are we bullied our whole lives? And really, why are we putting up with it? Because we have faith that our leaders are doing the best thing for us? Obviously you haven't seen the world. But let me get back on topic for a moment. Religion has been a great help in pulling us together and forming nations, killing nonbelievers, and eventually educating the people. But it's always been lies, stories passed down and twisted to suit the needs of the leaders. Religion was once the law, and still is in some places. It saddens me to know that we are holding on to thousand year old beliefs with such fervor. I mean, we don't still believe that the earth is flat do we? Do we also still believe in dragons? Fear has been the driving point for many peoples religious view. They feel that if they don't do good and fear their chosen god that they will burn forever (or some other great pain). Scare tactics to make you conform. Plain and simple. Just look around you, this magnificent world in which we live in IS the garden of Eden. It evolves, but it is still the best place for life. Everything living was spawned here all because the right conditions were met. Liquid water and sunlight has given us the gift of life. But no, the old pagan religion is silly. Why would anyone worship the earth? I find it humorous that the pagan's had a better idea of religion than any of the most popular religions today.
Why do we even have a religion? Can people just not go about their business without making up giant all powerful people? I think it's human nature to want to control everything, so that you may survive optimally. So what do we do? We create a personal god that only talks to us and never in the presence of another. Yes this god is all powerful but he can't talk to more than one person at a time. I once asked an evangelical christian how to talk to God, as my tries failed. He suggested I go to a remote area where noone was around at all. Hmm... so what? I can convince myself that my subconscience is a god? People actually believe in these things with no proof but a book. Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is more than 1 book available for you to read. Many of them have all the killing and sex as the bible does. Why not read some Anne Rice novels? I'm sure you can get your biggotry from it just as well as you can the bible. Excuses, passing the blame, that's what God is used for. Oh no, I don't hate homosexuals, God hates them. He told me they are the work of the devil. Yeah, pass the blame for your hate.
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