Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thanks for the lemons, jerks
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Evolving the Machines [wip]
Lately things have been moving along. Life does that, whether you are ready or not. I get caught up in the menial tasks of daily life that most people over involve themselves into sometimes but I am still me. I am still happy. I am able to think freely and have a relatively nice life. I’ve been playing with old computers again. I will make something by Science! Computers have came a long way since I was born. Around the time I was born the C64 was released. Now, twenty five years later we have computers that weren’t even imagined then. The sad thing about it is I don’t feel a passion for it. I think I’ve found out why. As Helm said without restrictions artists don’t know what to do. With limits we can become artistic and play with our medium. With no boundaries we get confused and lost. This happens to me more than I would like to admit. Many times I become overwhelmed with the limitless feelings of the world. I cannot shape it, I cannot change it. I must exist in it. I used to believe I was born in the wrong time. But this day and age is so much more than it has been. Being a non-elite person (which is by birth only) in any other past time but now would be even worse. The knowledge would be closed off. Just in the past 100 years has science stepped above and beyond anything religion could dare to comprehend. Not only have I the knowledge of thousands of years of writings but I am in the computer age. The age of the internet, where all countries can be connected. I’ve talked to people online that I would never be able to have conversed with even 50 years ago. That in itself is a reward. At any rate I just want to explain my techno hobbies and interests. It’s one of our most complex and multiuseful tools. The computer can do anything we tell it.
Tools. This word conjures up many images to you. I’m sure some even have special tools they’ve made for themselves. This is an important part of who we are. The ability to work beyond our physical and more recently mental capabilities have been our foundation upon which we rule this realm among other beasts. In the years which I’ve been alive things have changed what seem drastically. We are using, most obliviously, tools of high caliber and thousands of years in the making. Take the airplane for example. It was a fairytale dream 200 years ago. Look at our trip to the moon, just recently have we been out of our comfort zone that is the earth. I haven’t been in space, but people have. An amazing feat. Possibly the most amazing feat we’ve done yet. What will happen in the next 100 years? Well, the earth evolves slowly and we used to evolve slowly. Now we evolve every day. Constantly updating our tools (cars, phones, guns, etc) to match our thriving need to do as little as possible work, with as much as possible of a reaction. We are in fact controlling and bending the world around us to our will. Not on a great of a scale as to easily destroy everything, but close enough. We must be careful. I see our technology rising far quicker than our humanism. We haven’t tackled the hard issues here. The education of the people of the world, the understanding of our mind and how to overcome the animal basic instincts with logic and happiness. We struggle with these things on a personal basis. When should it not be a community effort to help each other. Are we not all on the same planet? Do we not drink the same waters? Do we not have fathers and mothers? Do we not bear children and become fathers and mothers? It should be our responsibility to teach our young and our old alike to think for themselves and be open with ideas. Things change, sometimes rather suddenly and without your or anyone’s consent. This is how things work. We cannot control everything. We try, by Science do we try. What do we control though? What do we have power over? Our creations, our machines.
Redefining the purpose of this blog
The purpose of my writings here are twofold. The first being a laying down of thoughts and ideas as they come to me, to later go over and organize for a book. Eventually I want to collect my learned knowledge of the world and share it with people yet born. We learn from history so much, yet we ask so little of it. We learn small fragments of lives of the past, distorted stories from times long gone by, with people much different than we are today. Ever evolving, now we usually evolve in groups, societies if you will. With the coming of the digital age we’ve seen world-wide melting pots form of collected knowledge and creativity. Perhaps it will be the cornerstone to our next great breakthrough in human life. It has allowed me to flourish and even get carried away, which is easy to do as everyone I know does. It is too easy to get stuck in simple thinking, of the here and now, of advertisements and tacos; puppies and guns; television and cars; laws and morals. All these things are man made, someone thought of these ideas and shared them with others. Most of the basic ideas of societies have been established for hundreds of years. It’s a shame we still hold on to ancient customs, with the universe at arms length. I’m rambling on a bit, but it’s the point of this blog. I have the freedom to ramble and it’s sometimes a very good thing. It’s a way to see my thoughts as they unfold, albeit not all of them. Translating ideas and abstracts into words can sometimes be very difficult to me. I either haven’t the vocabulary or as I believe my wit is not as sharp as I would like. But I manage, I’m happy with what I have. Just that I can think such large thoughts about the universe, light-years ,atoms and plasma! I am blessed with knowledge that the ancient Greeks were not. They had many ground breaking ideas and many of them still hold today, but imagine being in that time, with your knowledge of today. The earth was still flat to them! I’m happy to know the earth is spherical. If I wanted to see for myself, I could do an experiment and prove it. It’s not hard. Any of these things I can see for myself by experimentation, I can rediscover the laws of motion if I was so inclined. But that’s a waste of brain power. It’s great when you get an idea, or make a discovery. But to rediscovery isn’t nearly as exciting and useful. I take in the knowledge from my peers and my predecessors and mash them into my neural network. I am still young, a third or forth of my life I have lived, yet there is so much more I want to learn. So much more I need to share. I’ve always felt a need to teach, to share knowledge. It warms my heart and makes me feel useful in this world. To open another’s mind to the reality of curiosity gives me butterflies. It’s the same feeling of joy I get when I discover or read something interesting and mind altering. Hopefully I will be able to do this just for you.
moved from other blog : Beginning of the end?
Many times I have written intent to spread. Each time a very few if any people read it. It’s partly because of my ever growing understanding and because of the fear of society. Having started a blog here, on Baywords, where my anonymity will hopefully be kept, I find it still unlikely for me to publish much on here. I have conflicting thoughts which may seem odd to some, but you have to always keep an open mind. Be ever vigilant in the truth whichever it maybe. To believe imagination is archaic. Of course I still use my imagination in my art and music. These things are part of being human, without which we would be barbarians. Currently I am reading some of the works of the early Greek philosophers. In this I have found a fondness for the human species that I was afraid I was never going to get back. (Lost faith in humanity) I am enthralled by the higher thinking of such men. I find it a rare quality among my peers. Very few seem to even have the will for wisdom. The consumer as most people are referred to is a waste of lives. We should be doing greater and better than this; than this self absorbed, controlling mindset. I have risen above it, as have many others. The face remains that I have yet to find a group of like minded individuals. It hurts. My heart and mind reach out for other like me. It’s human nature to (note to self, write about human nature) be social with others like yourself. But isn’t it also human to understand and accept differences. The beauty of differences is an amazing part of our ever changing cosmos. We have potentially unlimited possibilites, but what we have and had should be cherished. It’s magnificent. The different cultures alone could be studied for many lifetimes. We have a vast amount of imagination and learning. To keep this knowledge from each other is a viscious attack on our belief of superiority among the other creatures of our world. To achieve a higher understanding and spread it through ourselves would be a sight I look forward to. We shouldn’t limit education to those that can afford it. What is money anyways? Why do we care so much about things which have little to no meaning. Cars, houses, clothes, jewlery, etc. Nearly everything has become an excess (at least in my part of Earth) and for that matter is useless and corrupt. The purity of nature should be enjoyed. The imagination of sentient beings should be brought to life. I feel we should strive to understand all, not just what we can sense now. If we were to be stuck to only our senses we would never have known that we breath oxygen. Imagine the science and medical arts of today being reverted to prayers and witch doctors magic knowledge. To appreciate our achievements and history is far from the normality of everyday people. I speak from personal experiences many times, my wisdom. I haven’t always believed what I do now, I won’t always believe what I do now. We are constantly changing and learning creatures. Always evolving. Although we have seen little evidence of evolution physically our minds have been opened to the evolution that is our collective knowledge. If I’ve lost you let me explain. Say you were born in the hunter gatherer days. The only way to share knowledge was to demonstrate or oral delivery. Now we have books, television, schools, teachers, and internet. The amount of accumulated knowledge is beyond comprehension. Such an unfathomable amount of knowledge can have it’s pains too. There is much trash and poppycock to have to wade through to get to the good bits. My advice, is to start with very old works. The depressing part about classic literature is how poorly it has been kept over the centuries. Lost, burned, stolen, missplaced, all of these wonderful people writing things beyond most of every man’s understanding alive today. It’s this tragedy that currently breaks my heart. My imagination has soared in the thought of traveling back in time to ancient Greece and chatting and learning from the great philosophers. One in particular that I’m interested in is Zeno of Citium. His Stoicism has been a recent discovery. Quite a man to admire. But again, most of his work if he even wrote any is no more. There are just fragments of his teachings and thoughts scattered throughout Greece’s past. This, lack of caring for knowledge needs to stop. We must remember and keep records. If for only the future generations to learn and go beyond what we have achieved today. We must always strive to be better, not for ourselves but for each other.
I may edit this article later and fix some mistakes. Also I may change the format or explain some more parts. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to do so.